14th of March

A powerful 7-day course for New Leaders ready to make huge shifts and to build their wildest & wealthiest business.

“Own your wild and allow your wealth”

Investment: $88

Buy one get one free! That’s right, you get to bring a friend fore free!

You are a purpose-driven business owner with at least 3 dreams:

Making a positive impact

(the bigger the better)

Making really good money doing what you love

Wealth is not a dirty word for you and you aspire it, to fund your desired lifestyle and the change you want to see in the world.

And fulfilling your potential

You know you have more in you then is currently coming out and it doesn’t sit well with you. You won’t stop until you got yourself and your business where you want it.

But also…

You are holding back and you know it

You’d wish you knew how to move the needle faster

Overthinking, comparing and postponing get the better of you way too often

That You?

Come join Wild &Wealthy!

Wild and Wealthy is a 7-day Instagram course, that will take your energy, mindset and strategy to a whole other level, so your wildest business dreams can come to life.

Wild= Less overthinking, more unapologetically you. Less playing small, more claiming your space and your expertise. Less holding back, more taking messy inspired action.
Less doing it according to ‘the book’, more doing it your way

Wealthy = More cash in your bank account and abundance in all areas.

“The secret is: Becoming that next level CEO you are meant to be and the rest will follow”

Wild & Wealthy will help you BECOME like a next level business owner so you:

Confidently raise your prices

Take actions that felt scared as hell before

Feel ready to take big leaps instead of tiny steps

Won’t accept any more BS, not from yourself, less from others

Safe lots of time overthinking, sabotaging or taking action that doesn’t move the needle

Know what steps to take to get your business where you want

Will (finally) see the number in your bank account grow

Investment: $88

Buy one get one free! That’s right, you get to bring a friend fore free!

“From now on, small play is history!”

This is (some of) what we’ll do:


Science shows, your thought and feelings (conscious and subconscious) are creating and magnetic field around you. In other words, your energy determines what you attract or not attract. That’s why the most important part of this course is your (high) frequency. I’ll guide you to release resistance and raise your frequency, so you’ll start attracting what you desire.


As a business owner with big goals you want to fall in love with sales. We will work on both improving your relationship with sales and become great at selling in a non-sleazy way.


You know what to do, you just haven’t done it yet… until now 😉 Because the inspiration you’ll get from the content will have you wanting to show up and take action.


Why haven’t you got to your goals yet?
We’ll clean all of that up so you can keep moving forward.


You are an expert, you just not owning it yet. I’ll help you to fully own your expertise so you’ll become a magnet to the people who need it.

Level Up

Raise your standard, and the Universe will meet you there.
We’ll level up your thoughts and feelings and combine that with practical tools to level you and your business way up.

All of this will make you Wild & Wealthy!

After Wild and Wealthy:

The Lioness you are (finally) comes out

You feel ready to take the stage (maybe literally)

The steps toward your next level are crystal clear for you

You can feel a huge shift happened inside

You levelled up. Not only from inside, but it’s visible on the outside. Think: your message, presence and maybe even the price tag on your website 😉

You embody that next level badass business owner you are and it feels good

You can just smell the wealth is on its way to you

Disclaimer: unexplainable magic might happen

“Together we are going to make a huge shift that will change. the. game.”

Start : 14th of March

  • 7 days
  • Closed Instagram account for your easy access
  • Daily 20-30 min inspirational LIVE training at 10.30 CT. ( 12.30 Chilean time 16.30 Dutch time)
  • Practical workbook that’ll boost your transformation
  • 2 Activating meditations that you get to keep forever
  • Access to all the content until 11th of April

Investment: $88

Buy one get one free! That’s right, you get to bring a friend fore free!

Hey I’m Rianne,

Ten years ago, I started an offline coaching business. It was successful but I felt a strong desire for more! I craved more freedom, more money, more impact, but not more hours, more workload or stress…

So after I got my Masters in Neuropsychology, I took the leap and started a scalable, online coaching business. I started from scratch (again) and grew to 6- figures in 3 years’ time and 24 hours a week.

I’ve been where you are right now, I know your business is fine and you get clients every month and pay your bills but let me tell you what you already know, there is so much more possible when you combine strategy with the energy work.

I’ve seen what is possible not just because of my own success but because in the last three years I’ve helped dozens of women to grow a profitable business close to their heart.

Join W & W if you want a taste of that, and you and your business will not be the same!

Allow yourself to be wildly wealthy!

Buy one get one free! That’s right, you get to bring a friend fore free!